History at St Augustine's

History: is the study of people and events that happened in the past. People who study history are called historians.
At St Augustine’s, we aim for children to develop curiosity and fascination about people and events from the past. We aim to make all children aware of the actions of important people in History and enable children to know about significant events in British and World history. Following from this, we want children to identify and appreciate how certain people and events changed history. We look to give an historic dimension to scientific discussions about invention, artistic discussion about painters and sculptors and literary discussions about the books we are reading. Importantly, we ensure our history topics are diverse and inclusive of a wide variety of people to reflect the modern and multicultural society we live in and our British values. At St Augustine’s we utilise the knowledge and resources of visitors, theatre companies and local museums
In EYFS, children learn about History through teaching of, “Understanding the World”, one of the four specific areas of learning in the EYFS framework. Children learn the words, “past” and “present”, thinking about their life and how they have grown up and what have they learnt since they were born. Children learn the word “past” and are asked about how things were different for people who were born a long time ago compared to how things are now.
In KS1 and KS2 history is taught through topics throughout the year. We have identified the key knowledge and skills of each topic and consideration has been given to ensure progression across topics through each year group across the school. We teach children chronology of events making sure they are aware of where the topic they are studying fits into history in relation to what they have studied before and their place in history. Interlinked with this are the studies of world history such as the ancient civilisations of the Mayans and the Egyptians. Planning is informed by and aligned with the National Curriculum. Progression of skills aims to develop chronological understanding, knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past, connections and historical links, interpretations of history and historical enquiry. Children are exposed to a range of primary and secondary sources, and they make inferences about what those sources tell us about the past.
Our curriculum design aims to make children feel confident and love learning about history, feeling suitably challenged. Looking in books and at planning, work shows cross-curricular links and a wide range of topics being covered. There are opportunities for pupils to complete challenge questions and to extend their learning with home projects.