Science at St. Augustine's

Our science curriculum is the vehicle in which we can enhance children's curiosity and awe and wonder. We want our children to have the courage to be advocates of change through science knowledge and understanding.
We want our children to become scientists and to engage in 'big questions' to enrich their understanding of themselves and the world around them. Through their learning experiences, children will be given opportunities to develop their science knowledge.
We intend that the study of science will enable our children to:
- Appreciate how our knowledge of science can help them understand the world they live in
- Pose questions and suggest ways in which these can be answered
- Understand that science is continually developing, and our understanding of the world is constantly changing and evolving
- Clearly communicate their understanding and knowledge both verbally and through quality writing
- Understand that their actions effect our own lives and those of others
Science will be taught through learning experiences that will:
- Have engaging and purposeful enquiry questions
- Develop a love and curiosity of scientific historical study
- Develop knowledge and skills that learners will need to become scientists
- Where appropriate, links are made to other subjects
- Children will record the key concepts and knowledge learnt through their learning experience and will build on their understanding in subsequent scientific learning. Our science learning experiences will incorporate opportunities for cross-curricula working, including quality writing.
IMPACT (from the National Curriculum science program of study 2014)
By the time the children leave our school, we want them to be competent scientists that:
- Have a broad and deep scientific knowledge which enables them to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future
- Understand how to work scientifically by:
- Posing questions, and making predictions based on prior knowledge
- Seek answers by designing and conducting fair and comparative tests
- Collecting, analysing and presenting data, and drawing conclusions
- Have confidence in using scientific terminology and vocabulary accurately and appropriately
- Link their scientific knowledge and skill to questions across other subjects Distinguish between scientific facts and the interpretation of these facts
Overview: The Science CurriculumBecoming a Scientist:
c) Communication |
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- Presenting data; drawing conclusions to answer specific scientific questions.
We always have fun at the annual science fair
We have been making our own puppets. We used this learning to create and perform our own shadow puppet show, re-creating a debate between two scientists: Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke.