Physical Education, Sport and Wellbeing at St. Augustine's
“Developing confidence, skills and knowledge for life-long active lifestyles and healthy minds”.
Our physical education curriculum aims to inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in fun and engaging physical activities. It provides exciting opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect inter-house competition.
Our extra-curricular sports activities include inter-school matches in a variety of sports including football, netball, athletics, cricket, cross-country, swimming, hockey and tag rugby. This provides the children with opportunities to participate in a variety of competitive team sports.
The overall aims of physical education and physical activity at St. Augustine’s is to help children develop a lifelong appreciation of sport and being physically active by:
- Developing competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
- Sustaining physical activities for periods of time
- Engaging in competitive sports and activities
- Leading healthy, active lives.
Physical Education is taught primarily through two weekly PE sessions; one led by external sports coaches and the other by the class teacher, both using the ‘Get Set 4 PE’ program Get Set 4 PE is planned so that progression is built into the scheme which ensures our children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school.
Please click here to launch the GetSet4PE website for further information.
To see an example of progression for both vocabulary and skills and knowledge within the GetSet4PE scheme of work, please refer to the Athletics and Gymnastics documents listed below.
(Both documents have been made available with permission from GetSet4PE).
Lessons will show features of:
- Assessment: Progress and understanding is monitored throughout; questioning is used to help consolidate learning and pupils know what they need to do to improve.
- Challenge & Inclusivity: pupils are appropriately challenged.
- High activity time: Equipment used effectively, games where children get ‘out’ are avoided, transitions are well thought out.
- Safety: Teachers & pupils appropriately dressed, area is checked for safe use and activities are age appropriate.
- Planning and learning: Progressive and sequenced, LO communicated at the start and referred to throughout and will sit within the wider scheme.
- Engagement: Pupils are encouraged to contribute and clear behaviour management.
- Whole child development: Lesson objectives are inclusive of the whole child and are given opportunities to develop social, emotional and cognitive skills.
- Demonstrations: Provide clear demonstrations to help pupils visualise the desired skill.
- Fundamental movement skills: Reinforce teaching points for FMS in whichever activity being delivered.
- Rules, strategies & tactics: place focus on the rules, strategies and tactics highlighted within the lessons to direct and guide successful movement.
Extra-curricular sport is run through a range of different avenues. Some clubs are run by class-teachers and others are run via external coaching companies. Inter sport competitions are implemented via the Surrey Heath Primary School Sports Association (SHPSSA). Fixtures are organised with other schools across Surrey heath including the opportunity in some sports to progress to county wide tournaments.
Intra-house competitions are also run in Netball and Football in which children will compete against one another in their school houses. Sports day is also run each year with all children in the school being given the opportunity to compete for their school house team.
By the time the children leave St Augustine’s, we want them to be physically confident in a way which supports their health, fitness and attitude. They will:
- Competitively play in a range of activities and sports which encourages a love of sport.
- Develop Fundamental movement skills (FMS)- Locomotor, stability and manipulation.
- Perform dances using a range of movement patterns.
- Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.
- Compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Through weekly PE lessons, and learning experiences, children will develop a range of knowledge and skills that will enable them to become confident athletes and aware of the benefits of sport and how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Our Extra-Curricualar Offer
We run a list of clubs and activities all year round and we maximise the use of our limited space. Our school provides or offers more widely:
- Netball
- Football
- Girls Football
- Tag Rugby
- Cricket
- Athletics
- Multi-Skills
- Dodgeball
- Dance
- Judo
- Basketball
- Lunchtime clubs linked to competitions.
Monitoring and Reviewing
The planning and coordination of the teaching of PE is the responsibility of the subject leader, who:
- Supports colleagues in their teaching, providing a strategic lead and direction.
- Evaluates the strengths and areas for development in the subject through staff and pupil voice questionnaires.
- Reviews evidence of the children’s work and observes PE lessons.
The quality of teaching and learning in PE is monitored and evaluated by the subject leader and is overseen by the curriculum leader.
Health and safety
We recognise that participation in PE and Physical Activities contains an element of risk. Staff are responsible for ensuring that they are familiar with safe practice to reduce the element of risk to the absolute minimum within their control.
Trying new sports - Golf workshop
Developing new skills - Orienteering