St Augustine's Catholic Primary School is part of the Xavier Catholic Education Trust
The other schools in the trust include the following schools and more schools are joining:
- Holy Family Catholic Primary School
- St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School
- St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School
- St Alban’s Catholic Primary School
- St Anne’s Catholic Primary School
- Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary School
- Salesian Catholic Secondary School
- St John the Baptist Secondary Catholic School
- The Marist Catholic Primary School
- St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary School
- St Polycarp’s Catholic Primary School
- St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
- St Peter’s Catholic School
The Xavier Catholic Education Trust was set up in 2016 and all the schools work together to provide the best possible education for the children whom we serve. Our strap line is ‘Striving for Excellence’ and we aim to do everything possible to ensure…
- Every child will receive an excellent education
- We will recruit, develop and retain the best people
- We will support our schools by providing exceptional central services
- Our Catholicity is at the core of everything we do
- We are financially robust and provide value for money
- We will maintain high levels of service whilst expanding
For more information please see our website:
The scheme of delegation can be accessed here
If you would like to contact us please email: