St. Augustine's Parents and Carers SEND Padlet.
For information, resources and links to other services please click here
SEND at St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School
Our Vision is "To be the best we can be"
Early identification of a child's needs is key and class teachers continually assess all children's learning and development. We aim for each child to reach his or her potential.
We offer support in one or more of the following ways including personalised work programmes, additional adult support within the classroom, inclusion in small withdrawal groups or some 1:1 targeted support. We will also seek further advice and guidance offered by outside agencies, such as Speech and Language Therapy, Learning and Language Support Services, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology and Autism Outreach as appropriate to a child's needs and stage of development.
Our SENDCo is Mrs Jo Walker who is available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. and can be contacted through the school office.
Surrey Local Offer & Useful links
The online hub for 0-25 year olds with special educational needs or a disability is accessible here
Send Advice Surrey
Mindworks Surrey