Public Sector Equality Duty
The school promotes equality and accessibility and is aware of the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010. Our policies and provision promotes disability, race and gender equality.
Eliminate discrimination
- Policies include anti bullying, behaviour policy, SRE and recruitment policy (see SEND page and Policies)
- Staff and Governors are reminded of their duties under the act through policies and periodic training
- The school promotes equalities in recruitment and professional development of staff and is not required to publish staffing equalities monitoring information.
Equality of Opportunity
The school curriculum promote equality. Pupil progress is closely monitored and attainment data is analysed for different groups. The Governing body and Curriculum Committee review data and progress.
Fostering Good Relations
The school is inclusive with a diverse catchment from various family backgrounds.
- The school ethos and atmosphere promotes tolerance, respect and friendship
- Assemblies cover relevant issues
- Educational Visits, Visiting Theatre Groups and Speakers promote equality issues
Further reading -Equality Act 2010